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"Listen Closely" by Melanie Woj


Illustrator, Photoshop

24” x 36”





The objective for this project was to create a piece of artwork expressing what the word, “Escapism” means to oneself. I went with the method of displaying my work as a poster with an image of myself, chopping the top of my head off to insert photoshopped images of my favorite music artists, as well as having the top and bottom borders of the poster being song covers that I personally recreated, representing music as my way of escaping. The background of the poster displays a beach, and sunflowers as a border for the song covers, representing my favorite destination and flowers, while enhancing the concept of escaping, music allows me to let go, cleansing my soul, while letting my mind have a rest from worrying about almost every negative thing that could happen to me.




Click here for the artist website


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